4th Quarter Newsletter, 2023
Greeting Post 10 members, this is my first article as Commander and I am looking forward to many more supporting our American Legion family.
I want to introduce myself. My name is David John Drawbaugh. I’ve lived in Boonsboro for the past 27 years. I have three children and two step children and I am married to Jennifer A. Drawbaugh. I spent 20 years in the Military, 10 ½ years in the U.S. Navy stationed all over the world and 10 years in the U.S.A.F. Air National Guard at the 167th AW Security Forces Squadron. I retired in 2011 at a Msgt (E7). I currently work for General Dynamics Information Technology and have been there for the past 12 years.
3rd Quarter Newsletter, 2023
Greetings Post 10 members, As this is my last
article as Commander I must say that the last 3
years have been satisfying although
challenging at times.
I certainly appreciate all the support I’ve
received from the Post 10 family. I remain
grateful to each volunteer that has made our
Post a great place to socialize while
conducting important American Legion
business. From the bingo crew, to the grill
masters, volunteers at our fundraising
functions and volunteers who set-up, serve
and clean-up at all the rental functions we host
throughout the year. I salute you for your
dedication to our Post.
2nd Quarter Newsletter, 2023
We welcome the promise of spring’s arrival. Some old fashion things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat as we enjoy the improving weather and the sights and sounds of spring. The arrival of spring marks the completion of the Legion year which ends in June with the election of officers for 2023- 2024. Our nomination committee is now accepting nominations for the 6/14 election. Want to have a say in how your Post operates, consider accepting nomination for an office to include the Board of Directors for which several openings exist.
American Legion membership continues to be a concern as we continue to lose older veterans. You are encouraged to invite new applicants or renewals as retention is also a concern. However, I am pleased to announce that as of this writing Post 10 is leading District 7 in membership % with only 37 more members to make our goal which hasn’t been attained in many years.
1st Quarter Newsletter, 2023
Welcome 2023 !!!
I hope that everyone had a joyous holiday season and were able to celebrate with your family.
The new year finds the Post active on weekends with community activities in our Social Room. Thank you to the many volunteers and staff that make this happen. The Post activities are usually slower this time of year, not withstanding the weekly cornhole, Queen of Hearts drawing, Thursday night weekly drawing and Friday night bingo. Some of the Post activities already scheduled are the membership feed which will be held on Sunday, March 26th from 1 until 4 pm. A $5.00 reimbursement ticket is required, guests tickets are non-refundable. We will be having an AYCE Shrimp & Crab Leg Feed on January 22nd. Tickets are available at the bar.
In addition, at the request of some members the Post is offering live entertainment once a
month. Your attendance and support will allow the Post to continue to offer live music.
Dues for 2024 Can Be Paid Now
LEGION – Renew your Legion membership here
AUXILIARY – Dues for 2024 can be paid now. The cost is $35.00 for seniors and $5.00 for juniors. Dues can be mailed to Carol Long or dropped off at the Post. Auxiliary applications can be picked up at the bar or from an Auxiliary Officer. Our unit meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. We are always looking for new ideas to assist us in continuing support for children and Veterans in the community.
Use of Profanity in the Post is Prohibited
The use of profanity in the Post is prohibited. Please be respectful of others. Continued violation shall be addressed by the Board of Directors.
Become an ALR Member
Currently, the ALR has 32 active members and we are always looking to grow our chapter. Like to ride and wish to show support for our veterans? The ALR chapter meets at the Post on the 4th Tuesday of each month, except during the winter. We are welcoming new members that meet the Chapter’s eligibility requirements. The core conditions are as folows:
- Must be a member in good standing with The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion.
- Must own a legally registered motorcycle or be the legally registered owner’s spouse within the state of registration. The motorcycle must be at least 650ccs.
- All operators must be properly licensed and insured per state laws.
- Cannot be a member of another ALR group.
- Pay $15 dues.
- If you don’t own a motorcycle, the Chapter also welcomes supporting, non-voting members. The essential requirements mirror numbers 1, 4, and 5 above.
The ALR runs on a fiscal year from July 1st to June 30th. Proof of eligibility is required annually by each member.
The ALR rides on…
The ALR rides on the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of every month. Please see an ALR member for more information.